Sunday, January 24, 2010
there was a frog and Princess. The Princess loved the little frog very much, that one day she married him just the way he was.
Even though he was very froggy day after day, she loved him anyway.
This weekend the frog was so very sweet to his Princess.
He spent the day with her yesterday. Took her to stores and shopped with her even though he hates hopping around the stores. Even let her go to Pet Smart after she seen a sign they had animal adoptions going on in the store. Froggy took his Princess to eat lunch, and was nice to her all the day Saturday. Then today he sweetly wakes his sleepy Princess so she can again, spend more time with him.
"What has this world come too?" thought the Princess. As she pondered the thought that he could be on drugs, or possibly someone finally found that missing pool stick and removed it from his a......beepppp...... (this is a family/childrens story tale time) Whatever it was the Princess was happy. She knew that one day she would have her happy froggy back and was glad she had 2 days to spend with him. Cause when Monday comes along she is afraid a spell will be cast upon him again, and he will once again be hopping with fury.
So the moral of the story here is, while you have a happy froggy, take advantage of all the slime..opps, I meant time you have with him and have fun! Cause froggies can be quiet loving when they want to be!
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