Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hump Day with a headache, oh yeah!

But I wake this morning with a cutie singing and saying, "Yippee Kiyaaaaaaaaaa MamaSita." She's so silly. Where she got that I have no clue, but hubbie and I stopped breathing for a moment till MamaSita came out.

Here are a few sucky pictures from the game last night. (Miss Number #2) We lost 11-4, but it was a good game. Hannah-Claire had a slapping match with one girl all night. Hannah is a good girl at first till someone does something to her. Hannah said the girl kept slapping her in the chest and after a "dozen times," she said, I started slapping back. Hannah said, "Mom, she had a attitude problem." LOL (Yeah, most 8 year olds do!)

Anyway, they held them back till the last quarter. It's fun to watch them.

I totally love this pic, bad or not. The other non blurry girlie is Hannah's Best Friend. Cute how the two of them just stand out.

Have a good Wednesday MamaSita's!