Monday, April 23, 2007

Beautiful Weekend!

Friday night Hannah-Claire's ball team won their 2ND game, 2-0 for us so far. They all are doing really well. When we from left Hannah's game we went to watch one of the other West Morgan teams play theirs, they also won. I don't think we left the ball fields till after 9PM.

We had a house full of kids all weekend and the little ones played outside most of Saturday and Sunday. I couldn't resist showing off this purdy smile :)

Hannah and her friend yelled at me to run outside and "see" something, and to bring my camera. It was a lovely butterfly. I was afraid it was gonna be some dead creature they dug up.

I think I'm obsessing over the train cars. Glenn stopped in the middle of the road so I could get this picture.

There are a ton more pics but I didn't want to bore you with them all.
We've got more appliances put in the house, we are almost moved in completely, just little stuff now. I got a lot cleaned and put away this weekend so the next stuff to bring can be easily put away quickly.
Have a good Monday, 1/2 the day is over :) Bye, Misty