Friday, March 23, 2007

Could this day go by any slower? It is so pretty outside, I want to leave! I bet 1/2 of the company has took the day off, I wish I had. They all appartently knew something I didn't.

I just checked, again, it is 84 degree's here in the office. Seems our office (I share with 2 other gals) is the only place throughout the whole company that has no cool air!!!! Everyone (and I stress EVERYONE) that walks in the office says, "Do you know it's hot in here?" hummm..... "NOOOOOOOOOOOO ...really?? Nope, sorry, I haven't caught onto that yet!" The more people that I come in contact with today the pisser I get. I just wanted to scream earlier when I got stuck with someone who could talk the teeth off of a saw. I NEED A VACATION.

I took this picture of Taylor the day before yesterday. She is trying hard to find her a four leaf clover.

I don't know if you visit ETSY or not, if not, and you like homemade fun stuff, you should. It's a terrific site that has some beautiful, fun, and funky stuff. I found this at lunch....

oh and these looked tempting................

Have a good day and weekend! M