Thursday, November 09, 2006

2 weeks till THANKSGIVING!!! Can you believe it? Where has this year gone?

I love Thanksgiving! I love getting with family during this time and all the food. To me, it is more relaxing and laid back than Christmas. After Halloween, we just skip right over Thanksgiving and go straight to Christmas. Santa is coming to the mall this weekend, and some stores are already playing Christmas music. No wonder this is high suicide season. My eyes are already twitching just talking about it all :)

I found out that Wal-Mart (Or here anyway) will no longer do lay-a-ways. I have not bought Christmas there in years!!!!!!! I hate Wal-Mart, always have, always will. Twice a year is my max and I have hit the quota already this year. But, actually I was going to put two big items on layaway for the girls for Christmas and then I find this out.

It got me to thinking about when I HAD to do this (put toys on layaway) or my girls didn't get much. It saddens me to think of the people who really need this. Just adds to the list of the reasons I hate WAL-MART!!!!!!!!!!!! They could have waiting till Christmas was over.

I took off tomorrow :):):):) Yeah! The girls and I will go shopping. I need to get some items for Thanksgiving and I need to order some cupcakes for Taylor's party. She don't know anything about the VW Bug cake. I have it just for the family. I think she will be so excited.

You know, I am BORING MYSELF! Bye! M